Uncensored, unfiltered, me.

For the important things in my life that I feel need to be shared, or that I want to remember. This is a place for my emotions, my struggles, and my triumphs. It will be erratic, sporadic, and slightly insane, but above all it will be honest.

Monday, March 19, 2012

As good a place to start as any...

4:55am and I just found out my water heater is leaking. Fantastic. Now, I'm the type to worry about everything so sleep is pretty much not an option at this point. Though worry won't stop the leak and neither will staying up more than I already have, but somewhere in my head I apparently believe that if I sleep the walls will collapse and bury us alive. I can just imagine our parents staring at the wreckage of our small but adequate home, while neighbors cluck their tongues and observe with a twinge of pity in their voice "if only she had stayed awake this terrible tragedy could have been avoided". News vans will show up at the scene and warn viewers of the dangers of falling asleep with a half soggy wall in the laundry room "back to you Susan". As Susan, in the newsroom, snaps out of her glassy-eyed stare and back to the camera while trying to muster all the sincerity she can from her degree in journalism.

So here I am, awake.

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